A type of Ethernet network that uses twisted pair cabling to attach nodes
to the network.
A type of Ethernet network, also known as Fast Ethernet, that uses
twisted pair cabling to attach nodes to the network.
This term indicates that a product is compatible with both 10-BaseT and
100-BaseTx. Many network products are compatible with both of these,
including some HP Jetdirect print server models.
1284 is a parallel port standard developed by IEEE (the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers). 1284-B refers to a specific
connector type on the end of the parallel cable which attaches to the
peripheral (for example, a printer). A 1284-B connector is bigger than a
1284-C connector, for example.
actual size
The size of the page when it was scanned (not enlarged using zoom in or
reduced using zoom out).
Automatic document feeder. The ADF is used to automatically feed
originals into the product for copying, scanning, or faxing.
A word, note, mark, or highlighting added to an item.
An inexpensive local area network architecture built into all Apple
Macintosh computers.
bit depth
The number of bits used to process scanned images. The greater the
number of bits, the more levels of gray that can be used to display the
.bmp file
A Microsoft Windows bitmap file that has the extension .bmp. A bitmap file
defines an image (such as the image of a scanned page) as a pattern of
dots (pixels).

216 Glossary
A type of network connector generally used with coaxial network cabling.
A BNC connector has two slots that lock onto two matching knobs on a
network interface card when the connector can be twisted.
Short for Bootstrap Protocol, an Internet protocol that enables a diskless
workstation to discover its own IP address, the IP address of a BOOTP
server on the network, and a file to be loaded into memory to boot the
machine. This enables the workstation to boot without requiring a hard or
floppy disk drive. The protocol is defined by RFC 951.
A measure of the overall intensity of the image. The lower the brightness
value, the darker the image; the higher the value, the lighter the image will
Short for Web browser, a software application used to locate and display
Web pages.
The Chooser is part of the Mac OS that allows configuration of the
computer system to print on any printer with the appropriate software.
Users that are part of an AppleTalk network system can use the Chooser
to activate and select among devices (such as printers, file servers, or
other computers) connected to the network.
A network architecture in which each computer or process on the network
is either a client or a server. Servers are powerful computers or processes
dedicated to managing disk drives, network traffic, and printers. Clients
are PCs or workstations on which users run applications. Clients rely on
servers for resources such as files and devices.
The process of reducing a sticky note to an icon.
The process of printing a multiple-copy job in sets. When collate is
selected, the HP LaserJet 3300 series product prints an entire set before
printing additional copies. Otherwise, the device prints the desired
number of copies of a page together before printing the following pages.
comma (,)
A comma in a dial sequence indicates that the fax machine will pause at
that point in the dialing sequence.
The difference between the dark and light areas of an image. The lower
the number value, the more closely the shades will resemble each other.
The higher the number, the more the shades will stand out from each
container program
A program into which an OLE object is inserted. That program contains
the object.
To remove part of an image. The portion of the image that is selected
remains, while the portion that is not selected is removed.
A multi-page .PCX format where each page is a .PCX file. Since this is a
multi-page format, it is widely used for receiving and sending faxes to and
from the computer. A single DCX document can store up to 1,023 pages.
dedicated line
A single telephone line that is used exclusively for either voice calls or fax

Short for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for assigning
dynamic IP addresses to devices on a network. With dynamic addressing,
a device can have a different IP address every time it connects to the
network. In some systems, the device’s IP address can even change while
it is still connected. DHCP also supports a mix of static and dynamic IP
Dynamic addressing simplifies network administration because the
software keeps track of IP addresses rather than requiring an
administrator to manage the task. This means that a new computer can
be added to a network without the hassle of manually assigning it a
unique IP address.
Dual In-line Memory Module, a small circuit board that holds memory. A
single in-line memory module (SIMM) has a 32-bit path to the memory,
whereas a DIMM has a 64-bit path.
distinctive ring
A feature offered by some telephone companies in Australia, Canada,
New Zealand, the United States, and the United Kingdom that allows two
or three phone numbers to be set up on the same telephone line. Each
phone number has a different ring pattern, and the fax machine can be
configured to recognize the distinctive ring of the fax number.
Short for Data Link Control. Every network interface card has a DLC
address or DLC identifier that uniquely identifies the node on the network.
dots per inch (dpi)
A measurement of resolution used for scanning and printing. Generally,
more dots per inch mean a higher resolution, a greater amount of visible
detail in the image, and a larger file size.
EconoMode is a toner-saving feature on the HP LaserJet product.
EconoMode reduces the amount of toner on a printed page, so that the
print cartridge lasts longer. The printed result is similar to printing a
document in draft mode.
Extended capabilities port, a parallel-port standard for PCs that supports
bi-directional communication between the PC and attached devices (such
as a printer).
e-mail (electronic mail)
An abbreviation for electronic mail. Software that can be used to
electronically transmit items over a communications network.
An object created with one application and embedded into a document
created by another application. Embedding the object, rather than simply
inserting it by pasting it, ensures that the object retains its original format.
The embedded object can be modified with the original program. In
Windows environments, embedding objects is made possible by a
technology called OLE
A common type of local area network recognized as the industry
standard. Ethernet is also known as IEEE 802.3. Information is broken
into “packets” that are transmitted in order until they arrive at the
destination without colliding with any other “packet.” A network node is
either transmitting or receiving a packet at any instant.
A process to restore a collapsed sticky note from an icon to its original
An abbreviation for facsimile. The electronic encoding of a printed page
and the transmission of the electronic page over a telephone line. The
product software can send items to electronic fax programs, which require
a modem and fax software.

218 Glossary
fax functions
Fax-related tasks done from the control panel that only affect the current
job, or are only done once before returning to the Ready state, such as
clearing memory. These functions are in their own section in the control
panel menu.
fax settings
Fax-related items that, when set or changed, continue to use the choice
made until changed again. An example would be the number of times set
for the product to redial a busy number. These settings are in their own
section of the control panel menu.
file format
The way the contents of a file are structured by a program or group of
File Transfer Protocol, the protocol used on the Internet for sending files.
Graphics Interchange Format, an image used by CompuServe and other
online formats.
Shades of gray that represent light and dark portions of an image. Color
images can also be converted to grayscale where colors are represented
by various shades of gray.
An image type that simulates grayscale by varying the number of dots.
Highly colored areas consist of a large number of dots, while lighter areas
consist of a smaller number of dots.
.HPD files are scanned documents that are saved using the HP LaserJet
Document Manager.
HP Jetdirect print server
An external, standalone print server. To use the HP LaserJet 3300 series
product on the network, the product (or a printer) can be connected to the
print server, instead of a computer, using a parallel cable. The print server
then connects to the network using a standard network connector. For the
HP LaserJet 3300 series product and its supported HP Jetdirect external
print servers, the connector can be 10-BaseT, 10/100BaseTx, BNC, or
token ring.
HP LaserJet Director
An HP LaserJet 3300 series product software screen used when working
with documents. When the document is loaded into the document feeder
tray and the computer is connected directly to the product, the HP
LaserJet Director appears on the computer screen, allowing faxing,
copying, or scanning of the document to begin.
HP Web JetAdmin
Network peripheral management software allows configuration and
management from a computer of any peripheral connected to an
HP Jetdirect print server. For the HP LaserJet 3300 series product, the
HP JetAdmin or Web JetAdmin software (or BOOTP, DHCP, or telnet) may
or may not need to be used to configure the product on the network.
A common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are commonly
used to connect segments of a LAN. A hub contains multiple ports. When
a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to the other ports so that all
segments of the LAN can see all packets.
hypertext links
A link from one part of a document to another. When a linked word or
phrase or graphic is clicked, the user will jump to the linked word, phrase,
or graphic.
A network based on TCP/IP protocols (an internet) belonging to an
organization, accessible only by the organization’s members, employees,
or others with authorization. An intranet’s Web sites look and act just like
any other Web sites, but the firewall surrounding an intranet fends off
unauthorized access. Intranets are used to share information internally
within an organization.

IP address
An identifier for a computer or device on a TCP/IP network. Networks
using the TCP/IP protocol route messages based on the IP address of the
The Internet Printing Protocol defines the protocol for end users’ most
common printing situations over the Internet. The IPP allows users to: find
out about a printer’s capabilities, submit print jobs to a printer, find out the
status of the printer, and cancel a previously submitted job.
A network protocol made popular by Novell, Inc. as the basic protocol in
its Novell NetWare network operating system. In order for the HP LaserJet
3300 series product to work on the network, the TCP/IP or IPX/SPX
network protocol must be running.
(also JPEG) Joint Photographic Experts Group, an international standard
for compressing digital photographic images.
Light emitting diode, an electronic device that lights up when electricity is
passed through it. LEDs are usually red. They are good for displaying
images because they can be relatively small, and they do not burn out.
However, they require more power than LCDs.
A connection to a program or device that can be used to send information
from the product software to other programs, such as e-mail, electronic
fax, and OCR links.
Link Bar
The icons on the bottom of the desktop or viewer that represent programs
installed on a computer, such as e-mail software.
linked program
A program installed on a computer that can be used with the product
software. For example, OCR software can be used to translate a scanned
item into text.
Novell, Inc.’s proprietary networking operating system for the PC
environment. NetWare uses the IPX/SPX or TCP/IP network protocols. It
supports MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, OS/2, Macintosh, and Unix
A computer (server or user) or peripheral, such as the HP LaserJet 3300
series product, that is connected to a network.
Optical Character
Recognition (OCR)
OCR software converts an electronic image of text, such as a scanned
document, into a form that word processor, spreadsheet, and database
programs can use.
parallel cable
See 1284-B.
A common graphic file format that many graphic programs accept. This is
a popular format in which to store scanned images.
A type of network architecture in which each workstation has equivalent
capabilities and responsibilities. Peer-to-peer networks are generally
simple, but they usually do not offer the same performance as
client-server architectures.
portable document viewer
A mini-program that can be attached to an electronic document and
e-mailed. The recipient will be able to view, annotate, and print the
document, no matter what program was used to create the document.
PostScript fonts
Fonts defined in terms of the PostScript language, intended to be printed
on a PS printer. PostScript fonts come as a screen font that appears on
the monitor and a matching printer font used by the product to create
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

220 Glossary
PPD stands for PostScript Printer Description file. PPDs are used by the
printer driver and applications to determine the features and PostScript
commands supported in the product.
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
print server
See HP Jetdirect print server.
printer driver
A printer driver is a program that enables applications to access a
product’s features. A printer driver translates an application’s formatting
commands (such as page breaks and font selection) into a printer
language (such as PostScript, PS, or PCL), and then sends the print file to
the product.
(The PD printer driver emulates Adobe PostScript® Level2. PostScript is a
registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.)
Private Branch Exchange
A small telephone switching system that typically is used by large
businesses or universities to connect all telephone extensions within the
organization. A PBX also connects to the public switched telephone
network (PSTN) and may be either manual or dial, depending on the
method used by extensions to place incoming or outgoing calls. Normally,
the equipment is owned by the customer rather than leased from the
telephone company.
public switched telephone
network (PSTN)
The worldwide dial-up telephone network or a portion of that network.
Users are assigned unique phone numbers, which allow them to connect
to the PSTN through local telephone exchange companies. Often, this
phrase is used when referring to data or other non-telephone services
carried over a path initially established using normal telephone signaling
and ordinary switched long distance telephone circuits.
The sharpness of an image, measured in dots per inch (dpi). The higher
the dpi, the greater the resolution.
A network connector that looks much like a standard telephone connector,
except it is wider (it houses 8 wires instead of 4). Both Ethernet
(10/100Base-Tx) and Token Ring networks use this type of network
shared line
A single telephone line that is used for both voice and fax calls.
sticky note
An annotation that is a multiline, resizable note. Similar to a paper sticky
note, it covers the item information beneath it. A sticky note can be moved
or collapsed to an icon. Words can be searched for in a sticky note by
using the Find command.
surge protector
A device that protects a power supply and communications lines from
electrical surges. All computers come with some surge protection built
into the power supply, but it is a good idea to purchase a separate device.
summary information
Information about the item, such as creator or keywords, can be added to
an item in the Summary Information dialog box to help find the item
The de facto standard Ethernet protocol. TCP/IP stands for Transmission
Control Protocol over Internet Protocol. In order for the HP LaserJet 3300
series product to work on the network, the TCP/IP or IPX/SPX network
protocol must be running.
Tagged Image File Format, a .tif (or TIFF) is a graphic file format that was
developed to capture scanned images. It is a format used on
IBM-compatible computers, Macintosh computers, and UNIX computers.
Many graphic programs accept the .tif file format.

token ring
A local area network in which transmission conflicts are avoided by the
granting of “tokens” that give permission to send. A network node keeps
the token while transmitting a message, if it has a message to transmit,
and then passes the token on to the next node. IEEE 802.5 is the most
common type of token ring network.
TrueType fonts
TrueType fonts use what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG)
technology, which means that the printed output of TrueType fonts is
identical to what appears on the screen.
An industry standard for scanners and software. Using a
TWAIN-compliant scanner with a TWAIN-compliant program, a scan can
be initiated from within the program.
twisted pair
A type of network cable commonly used in Ethernet networks.
Uniform resource locator, the global address of documents and resources
on the Internet. The first part of the address indicates what protocol to
use, the second part specifies the IP address or the domain name where
the resource is located.
USB cable
Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a standard developed by the USB
Implementers Forum, Inc. to connect computers and peripherals. Unlike
the parallel port, USB is designed to concurrently connect a single
computer USB port to multiple peripherals.
A watermark adds background text to a document being printed. For
example, “Confidential” can be printed in the background text of a
document stating that the document is “Confidential.” A selection can be
made from a set of predefined watermarks, and the font, size, angle, and
style can be changed, as well as a determination made whether the
printer will place the watermark on the first page only or all pages.
Windows sharing
A method of peer-to-peer networking that uses Windows products with a
network installed, resources can be shared with co-workers, most
commonly the HP LaserJet 3300 series product, printers, and hard disks,
by simply using Windows tools such as Explorer and Print Manager.
When the HP LaserJet 3300 series product (or any printer) is shared
using Windows sharing, network users need to install the printer drivers
using the Add Printers utility in the Windows Printers folder.
A collection of individuals working together on a task. Workgroup
computing occurs when all the individuals have computers connected to a
network that allows them to share data files, send e-mail to one another,
and schedule meetings.
zoom in
To make a page larger on the screen so more details can be seen.
zoom out
To make a page smaller on the screen so a broader view of the page can
be seen.

222 Glossary