Index 251
accessories and parts 144
acoustics specifications 224
activity logs, printing 101, 188
ad hoc groups, faxing to 82
pickup roller assembly, changing 133
specifications 141
copy quality 56
languages, display panel 37
settings 36– 39
volume 37
alarm volume, adjusting 37
alcohol, cleaning with 124
alphanumeric buttons 22
alternate long distance service, one-touch key 89
adding 74
changing settings 75
answer mode, changing 80, 96
answering machines, troubleshooting 183
archiving, scanned images 71
autoreduction, faxes 98
billing codes 100
blocked fax list, printing 104
blocking fax numbers 86
booklets, printing 53
configuring 115
Bootptab file entries 115
alphanumeric 22
control panel 21– 23
cancel control 22
copy jobs 56
fax job 83
print jobs 42
scan jobs 68
card stock
printing 49
specifications 140
contrast, fax 95
fax headers 80
print quality 43
ring patterns 97
settings, default 38
volume 37
dropouts 160
misformed 163
glass 124
lid backing 124
pickup roller 126
printer media path 126
billing 100
group-dial 89
one-touch key 87
speed-dial 87
collating copies
changing defaults 59
changing settings 59
configuration report, printing 33
connecting, power cord 30
control panel
error messages 165
key press volume, adjusting 38
languages, changing 37
menu structure 34
programming one-touch keys 88
programming speed-dial codes 88
scan 66
control panel bezel, replacing 135
control panel components
alphanumeric buttons 22
copy, scan, and start controls 23
fax controls 21
menu, status, and cancel controls 22
copier capacities and ratings 225
copy quality
see also image quality, troubleshooting
adjusting 56
defaults, adjusting 57
acoustic emissions 226
book 63
canceling 56
enlarging 58
multipage stack of 2-sided originals 62
quality, improving 168
reducing 58
speed 225
start 56
troubleshooting 168
curling, troubleshooting 164
customer support
form, service 248
hardware service 247
Declaration of Conformity 228
default settings
adjusting 38
restoring 36
defaults, restoring factory 36
faxes from memory 84
group-dial codes 90
one-touch keys 88
phone book entries 91
speed-dial codes 88
using 118
dial prefix, inserting 92

252 Index
dial tone detection, changing 95
character table 91
manually 83
pulse, selecting 99
redialing manually 84
speed-dial codes and one-touch keys 87
tone detection 95
tone, selecting 99
dimensions, product 225
installing 149
removing 151
specifications 226
testing installation or removal 148
drivers, printer, requirements for 42
dropouts, character 160
duplexing, manual 49
duty cycle
product 225
scanner 226
EconoMode 43
electrical specifications 224
electromagnetic emissions 234
embedded web server 113– 114
enlarging, copies 58
printing 45
specifications for 140
Environmental Product Stewardship Program 239
environmental specifications 26, 224
error messages 178
error messages, control panel 165
European Union regulatory information 232
Express Exchange repair service 247
extended warranty 248
extension phone 93
fax headers, changing 80
fax polling 93
fax reports
call reports, printing 102
fax logs, printing 101
first page thumbnail, including 103
fax sounds, adjusting volume 38, 94
canceling 83
contrast defaults, adjusting 95
delayed sending 84
deleting from memory 84
error correction settings 99
extension phone, receiving from 93
forwarding 93
printing incorrectly 187
receiving 85
receiving to computer 86
reprinting 85
resolution default, adjusting 95
stamping enabling 98
ad hoc groups 82
blocking or unblocking fax numbers 86
controls 21
error correction settings 99
extension phone, receiving from 93
forwarding 93
group-dial code 82
loading media 81
manual dialing 84
margins 230
multiple recipients 82
one recipient 81
resolution 231
sending 81– 83
speed 230
troubleshooting 182– 188
volume adjustments for 94
FCC regulations 227
features 14– 19
printing 48
service information 248
glossary of terms 215
gray backgrounds, troubleshooting 161
group-dial codes
deleting 90
programming 89
groups, faxing to 89
hardware components 20
hardware service 247
HP Jetdirect 310x
embedded web server 113
features 108
installing 111
operating environments 233
power requirements 234
print server components 23
specifications 233
supported networks and protocols 233
HP LaserJet 3300
features 14
package contents 14
HP LaserJet 3300se
features 15
package contents 15
HP LaserJet 3310
features 16
package contents 16
HP LaserJet 3320
features 17
package contents 17
HP LaserJet 3320n
features 18
package contents 18
HP LaserJet 3330
features 19
package contents 19
HP LaserJet Director, scanning with 68
HP LaserJet Document Manager, using 74
HP limited warranty statement 244
HP Photo Center 74
HP repair services 247
HP software license agreement 243
HP Web JetAdmin, using 114
humidity, operating environment 26
image enhancement, accessing 74

Index 253
image quality, troubleshooting
black dots 172, 180
blank copies 168
blank pages 180
characters, misformed 163
curl or wave 164
dropouts 160
faded images 168
faded print 160
faded stripes 171
graphics 176
gray backgrounds 161
light print 160
lines 161, 180
loose toner 162
missing images 168
repeating defects 162
skewed pages 163, 176
smears 162
specks 160
streaks 172, 180
incoming faxes, troubleshooting 185
input tray, paper
ADF input tray, installing 30
capacity, main 225
capacity, priority 225
installing and loading 29
ADF, clearing 169
ADF, typical locations 169
clearing 158
preventing 159
key press volume, adjusting 38
keys, numeric
see dialing
printing 47
specifications for 139
laser safety statement 226
letterhead, printing 48
license, software 243
lines, troubleshooting 185
fax originals 81
originals 31– 32
loose toner, troubleshooting 162
manual dialing 83
manual duplexing
heavy media 51
lightweight media 50
manual feed 42
faxing 230
scanning 226
common problems 139
guidelines 138
sizes 138
specifications 138
troubleshooting 158
weight 225
base 225
DIMM 226
specifications 226
upgrade expansion 225
menu control 22
menu structure, control panel 34
alert 166
critical error 165
warning 166
modem speed 230
multiple pages, printing on single sheet 52
connecting to 111
connection requirements 109
moving to another 122
protocols, using 108
software, installing 113
noise level, copying 224
number of copies, changing 60
OCR (optical character recognition)
HP LaserJet Director 72
using 72
one-touch keys
deleting 88
programming 87
accessories 144
parts 144
output bin, capacity 225
package contents 14– 19
page-by-page scanning 69
see also media
see also special media
common problems 139
guidelines 138
size, maximum 225
size, minimum 225
sizes, default adjustments 37
specifications 138
Part 2
part numbers 144
parts and accessories 144
phone book entries, deleting 91
phone lines
fax tone volume, adjusting 38
splitters 183
troubleshooting 182
types of 182
physical specifications 225
pickup roller
changing 127
cleaning 126
port availability 226
consumption 224
requirements 224
power cord, connecting 30

254 Index
power module chart 146
power modules 145
print cartridge
cleaning 125
installing 28, 147
life expectancy 148
recycling 148
storing 147
print jobs, stopping 42
print quality
changing 43
settings 42
print server
configuration page, printing 122
cable, connecting 27
capacities and ratings 225
drivers, requirements for 42
media path cleaning 126
separation pad, changing 129
all fax reports 105
blocked fax list 104
canceling 42
configuration page 195
configuration report 33
control panel menu map 34, 36
envelopes 45
fax activity logs 101, 188
letterhead 48
print server configuration page 122
special media 45– 49
speed 225
transparencies and labels 47
troubleshooting 154– 166
watermarks 54
pulse dialing 99
receiving faxes
fax tones 85
to computer 86
troubleshooting 184
redial settings, changing 99
reducing, copies 58
repackaging guidelines 247
repeating defects, troubleshooting 162
billing codes 103
fax call 102
phone book 103
T.30 protocol trace 104
reports, fax, printing all 105
reprinting faxes 85
fax default, changing 95
faxing 231
scanning 76, 226
resolution, print 225
returning the unit 247
ring pattern, changing 97
ring volume, adjusting 94
rings-to-answer, changing 96
safety, compliance 234
scan buttons 66– 68
network connection 67
programming 68
programming destinations 67
USB or parallel connection 67
scanner capacities and ratings 226
book 63
cancel scan job 68
color 76
control panel key 66
e-mail 75
enhancing images 74
error messages 178
flatbed scanner preview 70
HP LaserJet Director 68
loading originals 31
margins 226
methods 66
OCR, using 72
page-by-page 69
photos 62
quality, improving 179
resolution 76
store scanned images 71
troubleshooting 176– 180
TWAIN, using 70
sending faxes
ad hoc groups 82
delaying 84
dialing from a telephone 94
group-dial code 82
multiple recipients 82
one recipient 81
troubleshooting 183
V.34 setting, changing 100
hardware 247
information form 248
settings 36– 39
silence-detect mode, changing 97
HP LaserJet Copier 60
HP LaserJet Copy Plus 61
special media
common problems 139
printing 45– 49
specifications 139– 141
acoustics 224
ADF 226
battery 241
copier capacities and ratings 225
electrical 224
environmental 26, 224
fax 230
media 138
memory 226
network connection 109
physical 225
print server 233
printer capacities and ratings 225
scanner capacities and ratings 226
speed-dial codes
deleting 88
programming 87
stamp received faxes, enabling 98
start scan button 68
Declaration of Conformity 228
FCC Part 68 requirements 231

Index 255
FCC regulations 227
IC CS-03 requirements 232
laser safety 226
software license agreement 243
telephone consumer protection act 231
warranty 244
status control 22
storage, environment 224
storing, scanned images 71
support, customer
see customer support
surge protectors 183
temperature, operating environment 26
copier with the ADF input tray 33
copier with the flatbed scanner 34
printer 33
text, prints poorly 176
tone dialing 99
loose 162
smear 162
specks 160
printing 47
specifications for 139
see input tray, paper
see also image quality, troubleshooting
answering machines 183
black dots 172, 180
blank pages 154, 168, 172, 180
characters, misformed 163
configuration page 195
copy output 168
copying 168– 173
curled media 156
curling paper 164
dropouts 160
error messages 155, 178
faded print 160
fax phone problems 182
faxing 182– 188
feeding problems 155, 183
graphics 157, 176
gray backgrounds 161
incoming faxes 185
light print 160
lines 161, 172, 180
loose toner 162
media guides 156
media jams 158
not responding 154, 155
paper 177
parallel ports 155
pickup roller 156
printer 154– 166
printer separation pad 156
quality, image 176
repeating defects 162
scanning 176– 180
size, reduced 173, 180
sizes, wrong 177
skewed pages 163, 176
skewed print 156
slow faxes 187
smears 162
specks 160, 165
streaks 172, 180
text problems 156, 172, 176, 177, 180
too dark 172, 180
too light 172, 180
volume 188
white lines 171
wrinkles 164
scanning with 70
unblocking fax numbers 86
V.34 setting, changing 100
voice message services 183
volume, adjusting 37
volume, troubleshooting 188
warranty 244
warranty, extended 248
watermarks, printing 54
ADF media 226
media 225
product 225
wrinkling, troubleshooting 164

copyright © 2002
Hewlett-Packard Company