10/100 link OK? (10 light or 100 light ON solid green?)
The link lights, the 10 light and the 100 light, indicate whether the print server can initiate a
network link at the right speed with your hub, switch, or router. One of the link lights, either the 10
light or the 100 light, should be ON solid green (bright green in color and glowing continuously, not
blinking) to indicate a valid link with the hub/switch/router. If there is not a valid link, both the 10
and 100 lights will be off.
If one of the print server’s link lights is ON solid green, continue with
Check the print server’s
I/O status
If neither of the print server’s link lights is ON solid green, or if you are not sure what to
look for, follow the instructions below to start evaluating the link status of the print server.

194 16 Troubleshooting network problems