USB OK? (USB light ON solid green?)
The HP Jetdirect 310x print server connects to its printer using a USB cable. If the USB
connection is working correctly, the USB light on the print server will be ON solid green (bright
green in color and glowing continuously, not blinking). If the USB connection is not working
correctly, the USB light may be off, blinking green, or blinking amber.
If your print server’s USB light is ON solid green, continue with
Power/Status OK? (Power/Status
light ON solid green?)

Troubleshooting overview 191
If your print server’s USB light is not ON solid green, or if you are not sure what to look for,
continue with the following troubleshooting topics.
Note that the Jetdirect 310x print server does not support parallel-to-USB converters (for
connecting a parallel printer to a USB host)—it works with USB printers only. Make sure that the
cable is connected firmly to both the printer and the print server.
Check that both the printer and the print server are powered on.
After checking the items above and making any necessary changes, is the USB light now ON solid