USB light blinking amber
If the USB light is blinking amber, there might be a hardware fault (for example, a short-circuit,
faulty cable, or a printer drawing too much power).
To verify, disconnect the USB cable at the print server. Switch on the printer if it is off. Power cycle
the print server (unplug it and plug it back in). Then reconnect the USB cable. If the USB light is
now green and steady, then no problem remains.
Otherwise, if the USB light is still blinking amber, there may be a faulty component. Try these steps
to determine which component might be causing the problem:
Detach the USB cable and power cycle the print server (unplug it and plug it back in). If the
USB LED is green and steady, the print server is OK. If it is blinking amber, the print server is
Try reconnecting the USB cable to the print server only, and power cycle the print server
(unplug it and plug it back in). If the USB LED is green and steady, the cable is also OK. If it is
blinking amber, the cable may be faulty.
Power cycle the printer and reconnect the USB cable to the printer. If the USB LED is green
and steady, the printer is also OK. If it is blinking amber, the printer may be faulty.