Unable to activate TWAIN source
If you are acquiring an image from another device, such as a digital camera or another scanner,
make sure that the other device is TWAIN compliant. Non-TWAIN-compliant devices do not work
with the HP LaserJet 3300 product software.
Make sure that you have connected the USB or parallel cable to the correct port on the back of
your computer. If you have another port, try attaching the cable to the other port. Make sure that
you have an SPP-(bidirectional) or ECP-compliant parallel port on your computer. An SPP parallel
port is the minimum; an ECP parallel port is strongly recommended. See the documentation that
came with your computer for more information about your port.

The scanner did nothing 179
Some devices might not share the parallel port with the printer. If you have an external hard drive,
or network switchbox connected to the same USB or parallel port as the HP LaserJet 3300, the
other device might be interfering. To connect and use the HP LaserJet 3300, you must disconnect
the other device or you must use two ports on the computer. You might need to add another
parallel interface card. Hewlett-Packard strongly recommends an ECP parallel interface card. See
the documentation that came with your computer for more information about installing an
additional parallel interface card or resolving device conflicts.
Verify that the correct TWAIN source is selected. In the software, check the TWAIN source by
selecting Select Scanner from the File menu.